Two Poems from Toddy Hoare – PAROUSIA Magazine

Reflection and Familiarization of Isaiah 61,vv1-11.

After thought a passage for illumination
Looking to the future with anticipation
That God for Israel intends restoration
If she as a nation goes for transformation
After a period that earned her devastation.
To understand the prophecy’s inspiration
God, after wilderness years, makes declaration,
Indeed He extends an invitation,
That Jesus with His divine imagination
Will live and teach a way out of desperation
And how we can become a new plantation
With a priestly role for every generation
Following repentance as a restored nation
In the light of receiving promised salvation.

Where are Faith, Hope, & Charity?

Are our three Abrahamic faiths earthbound
Caught ‘tween heritage and inheritance
Traced from landed promise to long distant
Patriarchs amongst the many but scant
In waterless deserts or those who chance
Their arm behind rival cousins around
Whom there rise different fundamental
Values at odds within the whole? The world
Becomes their victims with rules so tied down.
Supposed path to water* isn’t there to drown.
An empty tomb leaves no family, relics curled,
No traceable start in an unknown rental,
But such freedom a jump of faith requires
And access to a new kingdom acquires.

Revd. Toddy Hoare, TD, MA, is a retired rural parish priest in North Yorkshire.

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